What is eTendering?
E-Tendering refers specifically to tendering that is based, at least in part,on the use of Internet technology. The site is a complete internet based e-tendering solution. This means that no software resides on either the procurer’s or the supplier’s own computers and that all exchanges of documentation are done electronically on-line.
Benefits of eTendering
In addition to supporting the Governments’ revised targets for conducting business electronically by 2005, there are also business benefits for both the Emergency Services and their Suppliers.
Reduced costs associated with advertising, printing, copying, postage, administration and stationery associated with the traditional paper based response process
Easy to use software interface
Environmentally friendly due to a predominantly ‘paperless’ process.
Simplified tender and procurement process for both suppliers and procurement officers.
Round-the-clock quick and easy access to tendering information.
Regular reminders of important deadlines in the tender award process.
Provides more secure access to tender information than traditional hard copy process.
Responses from suppliers remain secure and privileged until the closing date
All communications can be tracked in a clear legally binding audit trail.The need for an audit trail to be secure and reliable is a requirement under the freedom of information act 2000
For Suppliers
Beneficial in unlocking public sector tendering opportunities for SME’s. Suppliers can easily view and engage in tender opportunities without being constrained by location.
Save time and valuable resource searching for the right contracts
Easier for suppliers to obtain tender documentation and to submit an offer on time
No risk of postal delays disrupting a last minute submission
For Buyers
Greatly expand the potential supplier base
Direct submission to the OJEU database
Amendments to tender information is quickly and easily transmitted to suppliers
Opportunity to respond quickly to any questions and points of clarification
Notify all suppliers in a standardised manner, ensuring there is no bias to any one supplier